Process for OEM compliance
The typical scenario is that we start by advising suppliers of the OEM plants on packaging and corrosion protection techniques.
This ensures they are certified and are able to fulfil the strict packaging standardisation procedures required by OEM plants. When parts are received it’s vital that a comprehensive storage plan is implemented to ensure that all parts are stored in a non-corrosive environment. We carefully examine every stage of the production line to produce a report detailing if any process improvements can be implemented.
Due to corrosion being an acceleration process, it’s important to ensure that suppliers adhere to your standards. At Q-Line we can work with your incoming parts suppliers to create and implement an official anti-corrosion packaging guidance and procedure manual to meet your specific requirements.
Q-Line can advise and assist your organisation with implementing a storage corrosion control procedure. This ensures that incoming parts stay in a corrosion free environment.
The technical engineers at Q-Line can advise on production line technologies. This will ensure that the optimum condition for a long term corrosion free finished product is always achieved.
Once your finished products are prepared for transportation, Q-Line are able to introduce corrosion protection coatings. This final stage will ensure that the product arrives in a perfect condition, eliminating costly resprays.